SOS Apparel


SOS Apparel is the clothing brand of the Savage Or Sandwich movement. Our mission is to be a constant reminder to strive for your goals and aspiration no matter what life throws your way. 

In case you are wondering what Savage or Sandwich means:

Savage -  means to relentlessly fight for what you want through the circumstances you are given (to EAT)

Sandwich -  means to settle within or to be boxed in by what others think of you (to be EATEN)

Each of us have the power to decide which one we'll be.

Our goal with the Savage Or Sandwich movement is to inspire millions of people around the world. It is our mission to be a constant reminder to people to persevere against the negativity that life throws at us. And to continue to fight for your dreams and visions of the person you see yourself becoming. We also promote inspiration along with our products to refuel you on your journey.